Currently, the Modeling TC is considering the following tools that might support Agent UML:
1. Visio, Microsoft, not open source, $$, user extension
2. Dia, Dia, open source, free, unknown extension mechanism, will not extend for UML 2
3. OpenTool, TNI Valiosys, $$, unknown extension mechanism
4. Poseidon, Gentleware, $$, unknown extension mechanism
5. IBM Rational Rose, IBM, $$$$, vendor extension?
6. MetaEdit, Metacase, $$, user extension
7. XFig, open source, free, unknown extension mechanism
8. ArgoUML, open source, free, unknown extension mechanism
9. Together, now owned by Borland, $$$, unknown extension mechanism
10. MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw, $$, user extension
11. System Modeling Workbench, open source, free, unknown extension mechanism
12. Fujaba, open source, free, unknown extension mechanism
Objects by Design have a good list of UML tools on their Web site at
("user extension" means that we can write the extension with out vendor involvement;
"vendor extension" means that the vendor must make the changes.)
Available AUML-based tools
INGENIAS - alpha version of AUML protocol diagram
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Last updated on 17 June 2007