Supplement Documents
This page contains documents that were contributed to support and inform the AUML effort.
Recent Papers
- Representing Complex Multi-Agent Organizations in UML
Joaquin Peña, Rafael Corchuelo, and Miguel Toro 04-10-14
Modelling Mobile Agent Applications in UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams
Miao Kang, Lan Wang, and Kenji Taguchi 04-04-21
ROMAS: A Role-Based Modeling Method for Multi-Agent Systems
Qi Yan, Li-Jun Shan, Xin-Jun Mao, and Zhi-chang Qi, Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, National Univ. of Defense Technology, ChangSha, 410073, China, 03-17-01 18:53EST
CAMLE: A Caste-Centric Agent Modelling Language and Environment and proposed caste metamodel extension to UML, Lijun Shan and Hong, 03-06-18 Revised version
Modelling Soft Gene, Role and Agent in Extended UML
Qi Yan and others, email: 03-03-21 12:21EST
A Top-Down Approach for MAS Protocol Descriptions
Joaquín Peña, Rafael Corchuelo, and José Arjona, email: 03-07-10
Experiencing AUML for the WINK Multi-Agent System
Sonia Bergamaschi, Gionata Gelati, Francesco Guerra, Maurizio Vincini. email: 03-07-10
From Proc. of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) 2002, AAMAS 2002, Bologna
A UML Profile for External AOR Models, Gerd Wagner, pp.99-110.
From Proc. of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) 2001, Agents 2001, Montreal
UML Class Diagrams: Revisited in the Context of Agent-Based Systems, Bernhard Bauer, pp.1-8.
Represening Social Structures in UML, H. Van Dyke Parunak and James Odell, pp. 17-31.
Towards an ADL for Designing Agent-Based Systems, Marie-Pierre Gervais and Florin Muscutariu, pp.49-56.
Modeling early requirements in Tropos: a transformation based approach, Paolo Bresciani, Anna Perini, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, and John Mylopoulos, pp. 67-75. (Not specifically AUML, but contains modeling notions that should be considered by AUML.)
Automated Derivation of Complex Agent Architectures from Analysis Specifications, Clint H. Sparkman, Scott A. DeLoach and Athie L. Self, pp.77-84. Finalized version of paper.
Bringing Coherence to Agent Conversations, Roberto A. Flores and Robert C. Kremer, pp. 85-92.
Extended Modeling Languages for Interaction Protocol Design, Jean-Luc Koning, Marc-Philippe Huget, Jun Wei, and Xu Wang, pp. 93-100. Finalized version of paper.
Agent Oriented Analysis using MESSAGE/UML, Giovanni Caire, Francisco Leal, Paulo Chainho, Richard Evans, Francisco Garijo, Jorge, Gomez, Juan Pavon, Paul Kearney, Jamie Stark, Philippe Massonet, pp. 101-108.
From Proc. of Fifth International Conference of Autonomous Agents (Agents 2001), Montreal
Intelligent Agents for an Artificial Market System, Nikos Karacapilidis and Pavlos Moraïtis, pp. 592-599.
A Development Toolkit to Realize Autonomous and Inter-operable Agents, Federico Bergenti and Agostino Poggi , pp. 632-639.
Improving the Agent-Oriented Modeling Process by Roles, Ralph Depke, Reiko Heckel, and Jochen M. Küster, pp. 640-647.
A Knowledge Level Software Engineering Methodology for Agent Oriented Programming, Paolo Bresciani, Anna Perini, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, and John Mylopoulos, pp. 648-655.
Papers from other 2001 conferences and workshops
UML-Based Ontology Modelling for Software Agents, Stephen Cranefield, Stefan Hausteiny, and Martin Purvis, Proc. of Ontologies in Agent Systems Workshop, Agents 2001, Montreal, pp. 21-28.
Generating Ontology-Specific Content Languages, Stephen Cranefield, and Martin Purvis, Proc. of Ontologies in Agent Systems Workshop, Agents 2001, Montreal, pp. 29-35.
Towards UML-based Analysis and Design of Multi-Agent Systems, Stephan Flake, Christian Geiger, Jochen M. Küster, Ibternational Symposium on Information Science Innovations in Engineering of Natural and Artificial Systems (ENAIS 2001), Dubai, March 2001.
Papers from 2000 conferences and workshops
Representing Agent Interaction Protocols in UML, James J. Odell, H. Van Dyke Parunak, Bernhard Bauer, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Paolo Ciancarini and Michael Wooldridge eds., Springer, Berlin, pp. 121-140, 2001.
Agent UML: A Formalism for Specifying Multiagent Interaction," Bernhard Bauer, Jörg P. Müller, James Odell, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Paolo Ciancarini and Michael Wooldridge eds., Springer, Berlin, pp. 91-103, 2001.
Extending UML for Agents, James Odell, H. Van Dyke Parunak and Bernhard Bauer, AOIS Workshop at AAAI 2000.
Exploiting UML in the Design of Multi-Agent Systems, Federico Bergenti and Agostino Poggi, ESAW Workshop at ECAI 2000.
Architecture-Centric Object-Oriented Design Method for Multi-Agent Systems, Hongsoon Yim, Kyehyun Cho, Jongwoo Kim and Sunjoo Park, ICMAS 2000.
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Last updated on 17 June 2007