
Multiple FIPA AUML Modeling projects are currently underway. Each project is partitioned into various work areas. These projects and their work areas are listed below. This list also indicate those individuals who volunteered to produce the assigned work products. (Anyone wishing to actively participating in any of these project, please send an email to the Contact address at the bottom of this page.) For a schedule of these document, see Schedule & Events.

To download any of these documents, see Working Documents.

Class and Interaction Diagrams specifications

The Modelling TC participants have initially identified two area for developing detailed specifications These specifications and the individuals who have volunteered to work on these areas are as follows:

Modeling Areas

The Modelling TC participants have initially identified modelling areas that may be useful for representing and specifying agent-based systems. These areas and the individuals who have volunteered to work on these areas are as follows:

The document format for each of these areas can be downloaded

Modeling Notation Sources

The Modelling TC participants have initially identified sources of notations that should be considered for a FIPA AUML. These sources and the individuals who have volunteered to work on these areas are as follows:


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Last updated on 17 June 2007